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Saturday, April 16, 2011

wxplain this pic 26

wxplain this pic 26

Photo Blog Day 26: It Means A Lot
I am not going to take the time right now to explain the meaning behind this symbol. I will tell you that this was a very special gift given to me by a boyfriend, now ex, now best friend who I don't see anymore because I moved away. ... Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book; why is it your favorite? Day 24 - A picture of your favorite super hero and why. Day 25 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest. Day 26 - A picture of something ...
Can anyone explain what ski halfpipe is? (freestyle skiing ...
Question by MR.OLYMPIA: Can anyone explain what ski halfpipe is? (freestyle skiing)? I never saw this type of event so just describe it without being too. ... It's just a half-pipe. Snowboarders or skiers can use them. The skiers get judged in competition based on the amplitude of their jumps off of the lip of the half-pipe (height in the air), the difficulty of their tricks, and how technically good they were. Here is a picture of a skier doing a trick in a half-pipe: ...

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