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Monday, March 7, 2011


ot5 From
About 3HREE VOICES Staff Blog « jyj3
Right now what it bothers me is how some people come here and on twitter to point fingers and asking us to apologize to HM/OT5′s fans. Some of them are the same people who go to those other blogs where they accused of greediness to JYJ ...
(NEWS + PICS + VIDEO) JYJ Fans Start Subway Ad Campaign “Ride the ...
i wish the Philippine Fans weren't too OT5 or else we would have this too… *SIGHS*. Reply · anva March 6, 2011 at 9:26 pm #. OOOO..I love all ME songs but for the vid..MISSION is so cool!!!!!!!! Reply. Shadow March 6, 2011 at 9:31 pm # ...
(VIDEO) 110306 “Running man” Crew (You Jaeseok & Song Jungki) Ride ...
I understand you want to support Homin as well but perhaps find other places where the audience is more likely to be receptive? Try twitter or SYC or other big OT5 sites? Reply. xxjenjaexx March 6, 2011 at 8:30 pm # ...
(TRANS) 110306 3HREE VOICES Staff Blog: Staff Re-Posts, on ...
sorry but u call those bashings? lol i admit one or two of the comments are harsh but mostly are just telling OT5/HM to leave us alone. this is a jyj fans site do not come in here and tell us how to be a true fans == this is a JYJ fan ...
ot5 â€" Samsung Galaxy Tab â€" I documenti
In questo video vediamo come poter editare i documenti con il Samsung Galaxy Tab Video Rating: 0 / 5.
Argument about JYJ's Kim JaeJoong as a “Leader”
Unfortunately, OT5 cassies and HM cassies respond as fast as expected regarding the opinion of the stuff from 3HREE Voices. They then commented the stuff that JYJ's Kim JaeJoong is “not the leader” and the true leader was 2VXQ's U-Know ...
5minus1equals0 @ 2011-03-06T11:28:00
title: through the years pairing: ot5, cassiopeia genre: gen rating: pg summary: it's pretty easy to fall once you've started. their group hugs always last the longest. it's as if no one wants to be the first to let go.
#195: from all these secrets
my ot5, the forever 9 and like idk this changes from time to time THREE WAYS TO BE HAPPY: (basically, this is advice i can give but can't take) stop overthinking // SAY THE IMPORTANT THINGS! // do what makes you happy (but make sure ...
(INFO) 3hree Voices's Japanese Staff deletes his entry for calling ...
his should be the leader from the begining because he is the oldest in the group. also he has the quality to be a leader. and in JYJ he show us his leader quality. why would heater, hm fan, the so call ot5 & anti be mad. this is JYJ ...
Every step is forwarded carefully[3/?]
Pairings: OT5 Changmin POV Rating: G Genre: Angst A/N: I can't think clearly sorry for this crappy chapter :/ Summary: Slowly the wall is breaking but who would be on the other side? Chapter 1 Chapter 2 ...


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